Lily’s Get to Know Me

          Hello! My name is Lily. One thing about me is that I love music. I am in band as a flute. I am also in choir and an advanced choir at my school called portaliers. In both my choirs I am an alto or sometimes a soprano two. We are going to Spokane right before spring break for the All Northwest Choir Festival. The people who tried out for the All Northwest choir stay    days and the people who didn’t, like me, are staying only two days. We have 5 songs that we are singing, and one of them was written just for us! We will be world premiering the song at All Northwest.

          My favorite food is a mac n’ cheese recipe I got from my cousin. We use about 7 different cheeses and put way more than we are supposed to. After we cook the noodles we put the cheese and all the spices into the pot. This mac n’ cheese could not be more different than the boxed mac n’ cheese you buy at the store. Those use gross powder for cheese and are just gross. The only boxed mac n’ cheese that I will eat is Annie’s White Cheddar Shells.



Some rights reserved by Michael Coleman